

Convert a string of hex digits (ex: E4 CA B2) to a byte array.
/// The string containing the hex digits (with or without spaces).
/// Returns an array of bytes.
public byte[] HexStringToByteArray(string s)
s = s.Replace(“ “, “”);
byte[] buffer = new byte[s.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i += 2)
buffer[i / 2] = (byte)Convert.ToByte(s.Substring(i, 2), 16);

​ return buffer;
​ }

​ ///

Converts an array of bytes into a formatted string of hex digits (ex: E4 CA B2)
​ /// The array of bytes to be translated into a string of hex digits.
​ /// Returns a well formatted string of hex digits with spacing.
​ public string ByteArrayToHexString(byte[] data)
​ {
​ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(data.Length * 3);
​ foreach (byte b in data)
​ {
​ sb.Append(Convert.ToString(b, 16).PadLeft(2, ‘0’).PadRight(3, ‘ ‘));
​ }

​ return sb.ToString().ToUpper();
​ }

​ ///

​ /// 将一条十六进制字符串转换为ASCII
​ ///

​ /// 一条十六进制字符串
​ /// 返回一条ASCII码
​ public static string HexStringToASCII(string hexstring)
​ {
​ byte[] bt = HexStringToBinary(hexstring);
​ string lin = “”;
​ for (int i = 0; i < bt.Length; i++)
​ {
​ lin = lin + bt[i] + “ “;
​ }

  string[] ss = lin.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' });
  char[] c = new char[ss.Length];
  int a;
  for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)
    a = Convert.ToInt32(ss[i]);
    c[i] = Convert.ToChar(a);

​ string b = new string(c);
​ return b;
​ }

​ ///

/// 16进制字符串转换为二进制数组

/// 用空格切割字符串
/// 返回一个二进制字符串
public static byte[] HexStringToBinary(string hexstring)

​ string[] tmpary = hexstring.Trim().Split(‘ ‘);
​ byte[] buff = new byte[tmpary.Length];
​ for (int i = 0; i < buff.Length; i++)
​ {
​ buff[i] = Convert.ToByte(tmpary[i], 16);
​ }
​ return buff;


/// <summary>
/// 将byte型转换为字符串
/// </summary>
/// <param name="arrInput">byte型数组</param>
/// <returns>目标字符串</returns>
private string ByteArrayToString(byte[] arrInput)
  int i;
  StringBuilder sOutput = new StringBuilder(arrInput.Length);
  for (i = 0; i < arrInput.Length; i++)
  return sOutput.ToString();

​ ///

​ /// 对接收到的数据进行解包(将接收到的byte型数组解包为Unicode字符串)
​ ///

​ /// byte型数组
​ /// Unicode编码的字符串
​ public string disPackage(byte[] recbytes)
​ {
​ string temp = “”;
​ foreach (byte b in recbytes)
​ temp += b.ToString(“X2”) + “ “;//ToString(“X2”) 为C#中的字符串格式控制符
​ return temp;
​ }

* int转byte[]
* 该方法将一个int类型的数据转换为byte[]形式,因为int为32bit,而byte为8bit所以在进行类型转换时,知会获取低8位,
* 丢弃高24位。通过位移的方式,将32bit的数据转换成4个8bit的数据。注意 &0xff,在这当中,&0xff简单理解为一把剪刀,
* 将想要获取的8位数据截取出来。
* @param i 一个int数字
* @return byte[]
public static byte[] int2ByteArray(int i)
byte[] result = new byte[4];
result[0] = (byte)((i >> 24) & 0xFF);
result[1] = (byte)((i >> 16) & 0xFF);
result[2] = (byte)((i >> 8) & 0xFF);
result[3] = (byte)(i & 0xFF);
return result;

 \* byte[]转int
 \* 利用int2ByteArray方法,将一个int转为byte[],但在解析时,需要将数据还原。同样使用移位的方式,将适当的位数进行还原,
 \* 0xFF为16进制的数据,所以在其后每加上一位,就相当于二进制加上4位。同时,使用|=号拼接数据,将其还原成最终的int数据
 \* @param bytes byte类型数组
 \* @return int数字
public static int bytes2Int(byte[] bytes)
  int num = bytes[3] & 0xFF;
  num |= ((bytes[2] << 8) & 0xFF00);
  num |= ((bytes[1] << 16) & 0xFF0000);
  num |= ((bytes[0] << 24) & 0xFF0000);
  return num;

​ public static string Int2String(int str)
​ {
​ string S = Convert.ToString(str);
​ return S;
​ }

​ public static int String2Int(string str)
​ {
​ int a;
​ int.TryParse(str, out a);
​ int a1 = Convert.ToInt32(str);
​ return a1;
​ }


b[0] = 11111111(0xff) & 01100001
b[1] = 11111111(0xff) & 00000000
b[2] = 11111111(0xff) & 00000000
b[3] = 11111111(0xff) & 00000000
public byte[] IntToByteArray2(int value)
byte[] src = new byte[4];
src[0] = (byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
src[1] = (byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
src[2] = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
src[3] = (byte)(value & 0xFF);
return src;
public int ByteArrayToInt2(byte[] bArr)
if (bArr.Length != 4)
return -1;
return (int)((((bArr[0] & 0xff) << 24)
| ((bArr[1] & 0xff) << 16)
| ((bArr[2] & 0xff) << 8)
| ((bArr[3] & 0xff) << 0)));

​ public static string StringToHexArray(string input)
​ {
​ char[] values = input.ToCharArray();
​ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input.Length * 3);
​ foreach (char letter in values)
​ {
​ // Get the integral value of the character.
​ int value = Convert.ToInt32(letter);
​ // Convert the decimal value to a hexadecimal value in string form.
​ string hexOutput = String.Format(“{0:X}”, value);
​ sb.Append(Convert.ToString(value, 16).PadLeft(2, ‘0’).PadRight(3, ‘ ‘));
​ }

​ return sb.ToString().ToUpper();

​ }

文章作者: GoodTimeGGB
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